Our first stop and our first problem

Our first stop and our first problem

The first stop on our new journey south was at Americamps RV Resort in Ashland, VA.  Our stay was brief but from what we could see it looked like a nice campground.  It was cold so there weren’t many campers.  The staff was very friendly.   We were only staying overnight so we were given a spot up front, close to the office with plenty of room for our big coach.

We were tired from our long drive and slept good.  We were up bright and early, ate a quick breakfast, and began closing up for the second leg of our journey south.  That is when our first problem developed.  The small bedroom slide-out would not close!  It would begin to close then suddenly stop.  I tried a few times then went outside to look at the track.  The rear slides on our bus are electric so there are exposed tracks on each side of the slide-out.  I noticed a small gouge in the bottom rear track as if something was jamming in the track.  I checked the gap between the slide-out and the body of the coach but did not find anything.  I went back in and tried moving the slide in and out a few more times and it suddenly freed itself and closed completely. What a relief!  Apparently a loose screw had worked its way into the track and that is what caused the problem.  We had the slide checked at the Tiffin Service Center during our visit in April and all was OK.

Our journey south continues…

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  1. You better have figured it out being you worked at the DSF for how long?! Your retirement sounds like a dream come true! Keep the posts and pictures coming!

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